Basically this is the equation...
animal propensities + dharma (selfless service to God) = human being
human being - dharma (selfless service to God) = animal propensities
Today, essentially human civilization is glorified animal civilization (as God is not the center). Not surprised with all the fighting going on between nations, communities and people!
Below is the verse.
āhāra-nidrā-bhaya-maithunaṁ ca
sāmānyam etat paśubhir narāṇām
dharmo hi teṣām adhiko viśeṣo
dharmeṇa hīnāḥ paśubhiḥ samānāḥ
Eating, sleeping, sex, and defense—these four principles are common to both human beings and animals. The distinction between human life and animal life is that a man can search after God but an animal cannot. That is the difference. Therefore a man without that urge for searching after God is no better than an animal.
Hare Krishna
Friday, December 30, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Material Nature
Illuminates the mind and
intelligence, sense of happiness and knowledge.
Unlimited desires, longings, selfish
actions, deep attachment, intense endeavor, hankering.
Delusion, madness, indolence and
Knowledge develops.
Greed develops.
Foolishness, madness and illusion
Knowledge to see the undivided
spiritual nature in all living entities, even though seemingly divided by
bodily differences.
Knowledge to see the body to be the
self and different types of bodies as the self and differentiate accordingly.
knowledge by which one is attached to
work only as the all in all without knowledge of the true self or Supreme
Action in a regulated fashion without
attachment to selfish results, love or hate.
Action performed with great effort to
gratify one’s desires out of ego and pride.
Action disregarding scriptures,
without concern for future results. Causes violence and distress to others.
Work with determination and
enthusiasm unwavering in success or failure. Free from ego, pride.
Work with attachment to work, and
fruit of work desiring to enjoy the fruits. Greedy, envious, impure and
disturbed by joy and sorrow (resulting from success and failure).
Work against the injunctions of the
scripture. Materialistic, obstinate, cheating, expert in criticizing others,
lazy, always morose and procrastinating.
Intelligence to discriminate what is
to be done/not done, what is to be feared/not feared, what is
Intelligence to discriminate dharma
and adharma, what is to be done and not be done.
Intelligence to consider religion to
be irreligion and irreligion to be religion. Always in illusion and darkness
and strives in the wrong direction.
Determination to be steady by
sustained practice, controls the mind, and senses through meditation and
Determination which attaches one to
selfish results in religion, economic development and sense gratification.
Determination that cannot go beyond
dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness and illusion.
Like poison in the beginning but like
nectar at the end.
Derived from contact of the senses
including the mind. Feels like nectar in the beginning but poison at the end.
Blind to self-realization, delusional
from beginning to end. Arises from sleep, laziness and illusion.
Increase the duration of life, purify
one’s existence, gives strength, health, happiness, and satisfaction. Food is
juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to the heart.
Too bitter, too sour, salty, hot,
pungent, dry and burning causing distress, misery and disease.
Food prepared more than three hours before
being eaten, tasteless, decomposed and putrid, and food consisting of remnants
and untouchable things.
Performed according to the directions
of scripture, as a matter of duty, desire for no reward.
Performed for some material benefit,
or pride.
Performed without regard to
scriptures, no distribution of prasādam [spiritual food], no chanting of
Vedic hymns and no remunerations to the priests, and with no faith.
Using body, speech and mind not for
material benefits but only for the sake of pleasing the Supreme.
Using body, speech and mind out of
pride and for the sake of gaining respect, honor and worship. It is neither
stable nor permanent.
Using body, speech and mind out of
foolishness, with self-torture or to destroy or injure others.
Worship demigods
Worship demons
Worships ghosts and spirits
Given out of duty, without
expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person.
Given with the expectation of some
return, or with a desire for selfish results, or in a grudging mood.
Given at an impure place, improper
time, to unworthy persons, or without proper attention and respect.
Born again in higher planets.
Born again in earthly realm (born in
a family where selfish actions are predominant).
Born again in animal kingdom.
source: Bhagavad Gita chapters 14,17 and 18
Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna says:
One who engages in full devotional service unto Me, unfailing in all
circumstances, at once transcends material nature and thus comes
to My eternal nature– BG 14.26
Hare Krishna
Monday, December 19, 2016
Initiation is the beginning and a voluntary bond
The ceremony of diksha, initiation, is that by which the spiritual preceptor admits one to the status of a neophyte on the path of spiritual endeavor. The ceremony tends to confer spiritual enlightenment by abrogating sinfulness. Its actual effect depends on the degree of willing co-operation on the part of the disciple and is, therefore, not the same in all cases. It does not preclude the possibility of reversion of the novice to the non-spiritual state if he slackens in his effort or misbehaves. Initiation puts a person on the true track and also imparts an initial impulse to go ahead. It cannot, however, keep one going for good unless one chooses to put forth his own voluntary effort.... Unless the soul of its own accord chooses to serve Krishna after obtaining a working idea of his real nature, it cannot long retain the spiritual vision. The soul is never compelled by Krishna to serve him.
- By His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Takur Prabhupada, Sajjana-toshani, volume 26, number 7 December 1928
My take away points on initiation are;
- By His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Takur Prabhupada, Sajjana-toshani, volume 26, number 7 December 1928
My take away points on initiation are;
- Sets the neophyte on the spiritual path
- Confers enlightenment through canceling of sinful behavior
- Progress depends on cooperation of the disciple to the instructions' of the spiritual master
- It is a voluntary process (no force)
Hare Krishna
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Seven-tongued flame of Sri Krishna Sankirtana
Seven-tongued flame refers to the seven characteristics of Sri Krishna Sankirtana as explained by Srila Bhaktivinod Takur in his Sammodana-bhasya commentary.
- ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanaḿ - cleansing the mirror of the heart
- bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇaḿ - extinguishing the blazing forest fire of material existence
- śreyaḥ-kairava-candrikā-vitaraṇaḿ - one receives the benediction of pure devotional service, compared to moonshine spreading the white lily of good fortune
- vidyā-vadhū-jīvanam - the life and soul of all knowledge; the devotee receives the benediction of knowledge of his eternal identity
- ānandāmbudhi-vardhanaḿ prati-padaḿ - expanding the blissful ocean of transcendental life
- pūrṇāmṛtāsvādanaḿ - tasting full nectar at every step
- sarvātma-snapanaḿ - the self is wholly cleansed of all desires other than for selfless devotional service
- Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Vaibhava Vol. one, page 121
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Its just a thought…
Everyone is attached to their body and mind. But if we are not this body and mind, then what are we attached to? How can we be attached to something we are not? Like if I am not my car, how can I be attached to my car. The fact is we are not attached to the car, literally speaking. We are attached to the idea of the car.
Similarly, the soul (real self) is not attached to the body or mind. But the soul which has the aspect of cognizance is "attached" to the “idea” or “thought” of being the body and mind. This idea or thought is not real or illusion. So in essence, the soul is attached to an unreal thought. The who process of spiritual life is to give up this unreal thought, not give up the body or mind but give up the unreal thought we are the body and mind.
How to do that? – by pitting another thought in its place, a more powerful thought or idea. That is, we are servants of God Krishna. But it is not that easy because over millions of years (births), we have been mentally trained to be attached to the thought or idea of body and mind. To reverse this takes a herculean effort which only Krishna can do.
For Krishna, it is just a thought. Just as He lifted Govardhan hill, Krishna can banish the thought of body and mind and replace it with His own. Simply, we pray in humility and take shelter of His grace and mercy! Otherwise, its just a thought we are attached to!
Hare Krishna
Similarly, the soul (real self) is not attached to the body or mind. But the soul which has the aspect of cognizance is "attached" to the “idea” or “thought” of being the body and mind. This idea or thought is not real or illusion. So in essence, the soul is attached to an unreal thought. The who process of spiritual life is to give up this unreal thought, not give up the body or mind but give up the unreal thought we are the body and mind.
How to do that? – by pitting another thought in its place, a more powerful thought or idea. That is, we are servants of God Krishna. But it is not that easy because over millions of years (births), we have been mentally trained to be attached to the thought or idea of body and mind. To reverse this takes a herculean effort which only Krishna can do.
For Krishna, it is just a thought. Just as He lifted Govardhan hill, Krishna can banish the thought of body and mind and replace it with His own. Simply, we pray in humility and take shelter of His grace and mercy! Otherwise, its just a thought we are attached to!
Hare Krishna