Friday, September 15, 2017

chappan bhog offering

On account of our deities 10 year anniversary, I requested for a chappan bhog offering. Below is one picture we took.

Hare Krishna

one of the most difficult things to do in Krishna consciousness

What does it mean to "depend" on Krishna or take "shelter" of Krishna? It means that we cannot control the result. We may have an aspiration or result in mind but taking shelter in essence means we have to leave the results up to Krishna. This is the most difficult thing in taking shelter, in my opinion. To allow Krishna control the result while we use our intelligence to work practically.

Arjuna was asked to shoot arrows and kill but it was Krishna who determined the ultimate result. If we can have patience and calmness of mind to simply work leaving the result to Krishna (result may be for or against our aspirations), then we will never fall away from the path of service to Krishna. I think this is one of the most difficult things to do in Krishna Consciousness - to leave the result to Krishna while I work diligently!

Hare Krishna