Friday, December 14, 2007

if only i can convince my false ego?

I have been having some experiences in the past one week that reminds me of this sloka

kāma eṣa krodha eṣa
mahāśano mahā-pāpmā
viddhy enam iha vairiṇam
ch 3 text 37

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.

It is surprising and sad to see how we just don’t get it in spite of so many many attempts to enjoy. We start a conversation, a relationship, a project, and it can be as simple as simply just sitting alone in an isolated place….all for what –to be the enjoyer of that particular activity. In other words, we want to gain something emotional or psychological or physical or it can be anything but we want to gain something. For example, I converse with another person, for what, either to gain information or give information, either way I am getting something or I am being recognized (even if it is in a very subtle way) or we engage in conversation in classic prajalpa style. This is all done to be recognized and be loved. The problem is when we are recognized or loved; it is not enough for our senses because it is on the material platform. In other words, our words, thoughts and actions may recognize or love someone but since it is only on the sensual and mental platform, it is very fleeting and hence frustrating. Therefore, why expect recognition and love on this platform at all but rather if we strive to go to the spiritual platform, our endeavor and experiences will be fulfilling. Yes, it is very important to love people and show compassion but what is real love and compassion. Real expression of love and compassion towards people is to relieve that person from eternal suffering, something like giving vision to a blind man. For example, if one person comes to a blind man and says i will take you around for the rest of your life, do not worry. The blind man will be very happy because someone is always taking him around wherever he wants to go. Now, there is another person who tells, i will give you vision so you can go wherever you want by yourself! Among the two which is better, obviously it is the second choice. Similarly giving temporary material happiness is like helping a blind man around but giving spiritual knowledge is like giving vision to a blind person and this is what the great saints of the world did – gave the vision of eternal happiness in the Kingdom of God which also means “get out” of this place ASAP! Why do we have to be like a stubborn ass wanting to the chew the chewed?

So Krishna says it is lust only Arjuna. It is our lust that we have, we want to enjoy unlimitedly in everything we think and do. The way this world is set up, we unfortunately cannot enjoy like that. We do get small doses of enjoyment per our karma but that’s it, and that is compared to a drop of water in the desert of material life. When will we learn, our true enjoyment (in fact bliss) is only in one place, that is under the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Lord Krishna. To the degree we let go of our material desires to that degree we can enjoy the nectar of Krishna. This is our only hope. Therefore everything we learn and do in Krishna Consciousness should increase our detachment from material world and increase our attachment to Krishna. Letting go of this lust is just not easy, but we have to sincerely strive, and Krishna will do the rest. That is the faith we have to keep in the words of Krishna.

sarva-dharmān parityajya
mām ekaḿ śaraṇaḿ vraja
ahaḿ tvāḿ sarva-pāpebhyo
mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ
ch 18 text 66

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

This is what we have to do, just abandon and surrender. Srila Prabhupada has practically showed us how to surrender, then why fear, just follow him; rest assured we will be protected for eternity.

Now, if I can only convince my false ego…???

Hare Krishna

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