Thursday, December 13, 2007

Krishna Consciousness is not just logic and philosophy

Devotional service (bhakti) unto the Supreme Lord is a science, so the great saints say. Srila Rupa Goswami is one such saint who appeared some 500 years ago in India, has written down the gradual process of bhakti to Krishna that develops in one’s heart. In the beginning, due to some past or present sukriti (knowingly or unknowingly) we cultivate little faith in Krishna. With that little faith we associate with people who have similar or stronger faith. This association leads to increased performance of bhajana reducing our unwanted desires (anarthas - tendency to enjoy independent of Krishna). As our anarthas decrease, we develop higher taste towards Krishna. Following is an excerpt from H.H. Radhanath Swami lecture.

* Nishta – stage of bhakti where we develop a firm faith or unshakeable faith on Krishna. Nista evolves to ruchi.
* Ruchi – spontaneous attraction to Krishna –In this stage Krishna Consciousness is no longer an austerity but there is an enthusiasm that one wants to chant the glories of the Lord and there is no taste for mundane subject matters due to tasting something higher (like hearing, serving and seeing the Lord). Ruchi evolves into the next stage called ashakti
* Ashakti – is a very deep attachment to Krishna – we come to a point where we don’t care to live without Krishna. This evolves into
* Bhava – this stage brings about the first rays of light of love of God within our hearts – no more desires for this material world. In that state also we must be careful because Bharata Maharaj attained the stage of Bhava and fell down due to love to a deer. Therefore, it is necessary we must remain closely connected to the association of devotees as they will protect us. The next stage is;
* Prema – is the perfection of life. When we attain prema, our original love of God is awakened without any tinge of material lust, anger, greed, pride or illusion. Ecstatic love of God is manifested in this stage and the modes of material nature no longer impact us. As we can condense honey more to make it thick and sweeter, there are higher forms of prema that Srila Rupa Goswami mentions. They are

o Sneha
o Mana
o Pranaya
o Raga
o Anuraga
o Bhava
o Mahabhava

Mahabhava is the highest and the ultimate state of prema and only experienced in its fullest manifestations amongst the Gopis of Vrindavan. Mahabhava manifests its fullness in madhurya rasa (conjugal love of the Gopis). With each loving relationship with Krishna all the previous rasas are included (shanta - dasya –sakya- vatsalya- madurya). Even on the stage of mahabhava there are different levels of condensed ecstatic love and the ultimate stage of ecstatic love is madanakya mahabhav and this is an exclusive property of Srimati Radharani who is the Supreme lover of Krishna (Hladini Shakti/pleaure potency).The excerpt ends here.

Krishna consciousness is not just cut and dry philosophy and logic. From the above, we can understand and appreciate that as devotees we can experience higher realms of ecstatic pleasure that is beyond this mundane experience. All we have to do to reach the higher stages of bhakti is sincerely follow in the footsteps of our previous acharyas and surrender into the Lotus Feet of Krishna.

In this age of Kali, the only way we can achieve the higher stages of bhakti is by chanting

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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