Saturday, December 29, 2007

Service to Cows

Cows are considered sacred according to the Vedic scriptures. Cows are considered as one of our mothers and hence should be treated with veneration.

adau mata guru-patni brahmani raja-patnika,
Dhenu dhatri tatha prthvi
(Chanakya Pandit)

Ones real mother, the wife of a teacher, the wife of a Brahmana, the queen, the cow, the nurse and the Earth are considered as one mothers.

Lord Krishna is a cowherd boy in His pastimes with the Gopas and Gopis. There are innumerable stories on the pastimes of Krishna as a cowherd boy. Cow is very very dear to Lord Krishna. Devotees of Lord Krishna should take all efforts to protect cows in this day and age. By doing so will please Krishna immensely. Krishna Consciousness is all about pleasing Krishna and cow protection is one such divine service that will please Krishna and expedite our devotional attitude.

“Worship of the cow is accomplished by gently scratching her limbs, by offering a mouthful of green grass, and by circumambulating her. By pleasing the cow, Lord Gopala is also pleased” (Gautamiya Tantra)

“My dear Lord Krishna, You are the well-wisher of the cows and the brahmans, and You are the well-wisher of the entire human society and the world”
(Vishnu Purana 1.19.65 )

May cows be in front of me; may cows be behind me; may cows be in my heart i; and may I dwell in the midst of cows – Garuda Purana

May she who is the Goddess of Prosperity for all creatures, who is the mainstay of the shining ones; it’s the form of a cow remove my sins

We can learn that by serving cows all our sins get vanquished and puts us in an appropriate position to do devotional service unto Krishna. Pleasing Lord Krishna is the goal of human life and we can achieve that by serving cows directly or indirectly. Srila Prabhupada has stressed the importance of cows in our society and the dire need to protect them.

Srila Prabhupada Quotes:
There are so many facilities afforded by cow protection, but people have forgotten these arts. The importance of protecting cows is therefore stressed by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhavajam [Bg. 18.44]). Even now in the Indian villages surrounding Vrndavana, the villagers live happily simply by giving protection to the cow. They keep cow dung very carefully and dry it to use as fuel. They keep a sufficient stock of grains, and because of giving protection to the cows, they have sufficient milk and milk products to solve all economic problems. Simply by giving protection to the cow, the villagers live so peacefully. Even the urine and stool of cows have medicinal value. [Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.6.19 Purport]

"According to Vedic civilization the cow is to be given special protection. Why it is recommended for the cow? It does not say of other animal. When animal killing is required according to Vedic civilization, those who are meat-eaters, they are allowed to kill some insignificant animal like deer, goat, pigs. It is for the animal eaters, not for all. But if one is bent upon... And there are persons, they want meat-eating. So for them these unimportant animals are recommended. But cow is very important animal. You get from its milk so many nutritious food. So apart from religious sentiment, from economic point of view, cow-killing is not good. And from moral point of view it is not good because you drink cow's milk, so cow is your mother."
(Garden Conversation with Professors, Chairman of the Religion Dept. of U.S.C., and Dr. Stillson Judah, and others -- June 24, 1975, Los Angeles)

"We have to keep some cows. Never mind we are to take payment from others. That is not cow protection. Cow protection means just like Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is tending the cows. He is going, taking the cows personally from His royal palace going to the forest whole day, working there. Is it not, cowherd boy? And taken some little fruit, mother, whatever mother has given. They are playing that. So this is cow protection, not that "Somebody will give money and we shall keep some third class cows and feed there and become cow protector." We must tend the cows very nicely so that they give us sufficient milk. And with that milk we shall live. (Srimad-Bhagavatam Class 2.9.3 -- Melbourne, April 5, 1972)

....So in this movement, our one program is to respect the cows. We chant this mantra, namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca. The brahminical culture and the cows... Why they have selected the cows? There are so many animals. Why cow protection is so important in Krsna consciousness? Why Krsna personally Himself became a cowherd boy and was taking the care of the cows and the calves? Oh, that is very essential.

And here also, we see that the Dharmaraja is inquiring about the comforts of the cow. Amba, kaccid bhadre, what is, anamayam atmanas te. Amayam means disease. So "Whether you are quite comfortable by your health?" This is very essential to keep cows very comfortably. If they feel comfortable, then you get the most nourishing food, milk. We are practically seeing in our New Vrindaban center, because the cow are feeling secure in our custody, they're delivering milk up to the eighty pounds daily. You'll be surprised. So if you get milk products, milk, then you can prepare so many preparations full of vitamins, which will nourish your brain. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.19 -- Hawaii, January 15, 1974 )-
End quote

Bhishma said: No sacrifice can be performed without the aid of curds and ghee (clarified butter).The very character which sacrifices have depends upon ghee. Hence ghee (or, the cow from which it is produced) is regarded as the very root of sacrifice. Cows are guileless in their behavior. Cows are auspicious and sacred, the grantor of every wish and givers of life. They who make gifts of cows, and who subsist upon the remnants of things offered as libations on the sacred fire, are regarded, as always performing sacrifices of every kind.

Of all kinds of gifts, the gift of cows is applauded as the highest. Cows are the foremost of all things. Themselves sacred, they are the best of cleansers and sanctifiers. People should cherish cows for obtaining prosperity and even peace. Cows are said to represent the highest energy both in this world and the world that is above. There is nothing that is more sacred or sanctifying than cows. [From the Mahabharata, Anusasana Parva, Sections LXXXIII - LXXVII - LXXVI]

Brihat-parashara-smriti says:

"One who gives some water and grass to the cows for eating attains the result of performing a horse sacrifice, of this there is no doubt."

Offering some service to cows is auspicious to oneself and family. One gains immense piety and devotion and above all pleases Lord Krishna. Of this there is no doubt. The quotes above help establish that point. Hence as devotees of the Lord it behooves us to serve our mother- the cow.

There is one such opportunity (of the many) that I know is available to serve the cows of Vrindavan, the land of Krishna. Cows in Vrindavan of all places on earth require our help. It is sad that Vrindavan where Krishna sported as a cowherd boy mistreats its cows. The age of Kali is indeed present. Not sure how many people read this blog, but for those of you who read, please spend some time reading the link and the website. It talks about various services available for us. Please help as the cows need our help and an opportunity to please the Supreme Lord Krishna!

Link - (gives information on the residents living there)

While there are many services we have in our lives, please do not think this is not important, this is as good as (if not more) than all our direct duties we have towards our loved ones, and towards Vaishnavas, Guru and Lord Krishna.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna

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