Thursday, January 10, 2008
this world is like a classroom and life is our teacher
This morning I got a surprise call from a senior devotee and he enquired about my well-being and so forth. I was very happy he called and enquired. In the course of the conversation I said something funny…but not sure he took it that way and so I was meditating on how I say stupid things all the time just to seek attention.
I was thinking on it more and thinking how should one react to any type of comment thrown at you. I have heard praise is like poison; therefore we should give it away. All praises should be given to guru and my guru will give it to his guru and ultimately it will reach Krishna. While I was meditating on how to react to good, bad and ugly things thrown at you, my only reaction was “we should think of guru and Krishna and thank them for everything”. Easy said than done…normally it is my natural tendency to take the praise and feel good about myself. However, if a comment was meant to criticize or find fault…immediately I defend my position. My brain just goes into auto mode (honest…at this point I believe I lose all control over my ability to think and speak, I am sure there is some medical term for this!) and my brain says things without my own control and some other voice will keep saying “shut up and just take the criticism”. I never listen to the other voice, though.
My point is I get very defensive if someone criticizes me and I take it upon myself massively to go the millionth mile to prove my point. In other words, it’s hard to write this but it is 100% true…I need to have the FINAL SAY in everything. My wife will raise her hands and say “Haribol” to that one. As you all know, she is indeed tolerating all my shenanigans.
So, how to solve this problem of “reacting” appropriately to good and/or bad comments? It is very simple…just think of guru and Krishna and thank them for everything from the core of our hearts, life will be lot easier. This is not just a sentiment. This is our true original position as Krishna Himself says in the Bhagavad Gita 5.29
bhoktāraḿ yajña-tapasāḿ
suhṛdaḿ sarva-bhūtānāḿ
jñātvā māḿ śāntim ṛcchati
A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.
Therefore Krishna is the beneficiary of everything and we just have to dedicate everything to Him. I know it takes a lot of maturity to come to this point. But we can start today - better late than never!
As they say "this world is like a classroom and life is our teacher", and it teaches us how to get closer to Krishna every single moment, every single day! life circumstances is just for one purpose - To purify my consciousness and go back Home back to Godhead.
"The world stands in no need of any reformer. The world has a very competent person for guiding it's minutest happenings. The person who finds that there is scope for reform of the world, himself stands in need of reform. The world goes on it's own perfect way..."
- Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami Maharaja
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