Monday, February 25, 2008

He is in full control

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Here, we are thinking,

We have to change the world.
We have to help people, we have to serve them
We have to protect the environment
We have to protect the animals
We have to preach the glories of the Lord so on and so forth

In all of the above…only one thing is repeatedly emphasized and that is the concept of “I, mine and we”. In other words, it only enhances the mentality of doership, ownership and sense of control. Maya also works in mysterious ways. While we perform “God’s” work…we are actually being roped into deeper sense of false ego and pride.

While…actually the entire universe is conducted by the Supreme Will of God, we are just puppets and instruments. We can choose to be the puppet of maya or the puppet of God. So…the so called problems of modern life such as animal slaughter, human slaughter, environmental degradation so on and so forth is but a grand plan by God to help us understand that our purpose in this life is to go back home and not try to enjoy in this wretched place. So if we just understand this…we can become serious in our journey back to Godhead.

So our purity is “to use our free will to surrender to the will of God” and what is impurity- it is “using our free will to surrender to the will of Maya”. So if we just surrender to the will of God instead of Maya…there is absolutely no struggle and everything would be just peaceful and happy.

What is God’s plan for us – to orchestrate our lives (gross and subtle) in such a way we go back home back to Godhead. Everything else we see and hear is played out by God perfectly according to time and place.

He is in full control. We just have to play our small part in it.

Hare Krishna.

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