Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the need for shelter

It is chilly out and the rain is pouring heavily. The monsoon season has picked up this time and the rain does not stop. I am walking on the streets looking for a place to take shelter. I find one and snug under the canopy of the shelter. Sounds familiar!

It is scorching hot, about 42 deg centigrade. I am walking and can feel the heat penetrating through the soles of my footwear into the soles of my feet. I take shelter under a cool shade under a tree with mild breeze. Sounds familiar!

This is the kind of life one will encounter in humid and tropical places such as India. The rains and heat really impels one to seek shelter of some kind. Man appreciates shelter when there is a need.

Similarly, as devotees the only way to seek the mercy of Lord Krishna is when we take His shelter at every moment. Unfortunately as devotees we get into a routine of spiritual life and forget how important it is to actually take shelter of the Holy Names of Krishna. We chant as a matter of duty and forget how it is necessary to take shelter to chant properly. Why…we get into this routine…it is because we forget the need. In order to feel the need, Krishna is merciful that He puts us in difficult situations so ultimately we will take shelter of Him. Hence difficulties in our life are actually a mercy of the Lord and not otherwise.

Therefore, Queen Kunti prayed

viṣān mahāgneḥ puruṣāda-darśanād
asat-sabhāyā vana-vāsa-kṛcchrataḥ
mṛdhe mṛdhe 'neka-mahārathāstrato
drauṇy-astrataś cāsma hare 'bhirakṣitāḥ

vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat
tatra tatra jagad-guro
bhavato darśanaḿ yat syād
apunar bhava-darśanam
SB 1.8.24-25

My dear Kṛṣṇa, Your Lordship has protected us from a poisoned cake, from a great fire, from cannibals, from the vicious assembly, from sufferings during our exile in the forest and from the battle where great generals fought. And now You have saved us from the weapon of Aśvatthāmā. I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths.

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