Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The land which was once Holy

The one and only reason anyone should be in India is if he or she is serious about knowing, seeing and relating with God. India is not meant for western type of living. That is why, even today, although archaic, the traditional customs reflect a way of life that communicate with the higher dimensions. But the minute we remove this higher dimension from our life and just seek sense gratification in the form of gross matter, then every tradition is just a mere ritual and a complete waste of time.

But when we seek the higher dimensions, then the concepts of humility and submission has to come into place. With this humility and submission, living earthly lives will benefit our spiritual makeup. In other words, with humility and submission, we will evolve to higher spiritual strata ultimately culminating at the Lotus Feet of Krishna. This spiritual progress and evolution can happen successfully within India because we have multiple access points in the form of temples, saintly people and scriptures. Unfortunately, majority of the Indian populace have shifted to a style of living which was once considered alien and abominable even. Today, all these things are considered “cool”.

It is so funny…you see before (some 100 to 150 years), the British wanted to force their western culture on us and we revolted…however, today, we are begging the same western world to miserably accept us as part of their culture…this aping we can see among the elderly and the young people of India living in all parts of the world.

Really…the only way to reverse this situation is when western people come to India and remind and even teach the Indians of their own spiritual heritage…otherwise I don’t see any other option. The only majority of western people who follow the Vedic tradition in a proper guru-parampara manner are the Hare Krishnas. So I think all the western Hare Krishna devotees should go to India at some point or other and preach far and wide and wake up the intoxicated Indians (who are running behind a drop of water in a desert when there is nectar in their backyards!).

Hare Krishna

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