Wednesday, April 2, 2008
sadhu sanga
Prabhupad:.....This material world, padam padam means step by step there is danger. So one who takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna, mahat-padam punya-yaso muräreh samäsritä, for him there is no more danger. Abhaya-caranäravinda re. How it is possible to take complete shelter of Krishna, which is fearlessness, no anxiety, vaikuntha? Durlabha manava-janama sat-sange. This is possible if you associate with devotees. If you think that "Now I have become very much advanced. Now I shall live alone and chant Hare Krishna, imitating Haridäsa Thäkura,'' this is nonsense. You cannot imitate Haridäsa Thäkura. You have to associate with devotees. Durlabha manava-janam sat sange. Sat-sange. Satäm prasangän mama virya-samvido [SB 3.25.25]. If you remain with the devotees, then by their association, by talking with them, you'll get real understanding of God consciousness. It is very practical to understand. Just like in material world there are many associations, societies. Businessmen, they have got their stock exchange association, those who are dealing in exchange. They have got an association. They go there, and their business facility is very good. Similarly, so many clubs. If you want to drink and enjoy sense, you go to so many clubs and associate with them and you'll learn how to drink, how to mate very nicely. So association is very important. Therefore our Krishna consciousness society are giving chance people to associate with us, so that he'll be able to understand what is Krisha, what is Krishna consciousness....
Srila Prabhupada, spoken at Los angeles May 27 1972
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