Tuesday, May 27, 2008
how to attract the mercy of the Lord
It is mentioned in the revealed scriptures that to gain entrance into the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna in Sri Vrindavan Dham in Goloka is the highest goal of life and the most confidential of all knowledge.
It is through unalloyed bhakti only, is entrance granted. Unalloyed bhakti is the sole property of Lord Sri Krishna. In other words, only Lord Krishna grants unalloyed bhakti in the hearts of aspiring devotees. Pure devotees or representatives of the Lord are more munificent and magnanimous that they travel across the universe to plant this seed of unalloyed bhakti in the hearts of everyone and give everyone the opportunity of Krishna prem (unalloyed love of God).
So when something as great as Krishna prem (unalloyed love) is granted to a living entity, it is only (100%) by the mercy of the pure devotees or the Lord Himself.
Since bhakti is the sole property of Lord Krishna, it precludes all other qualifications from the aspirant. In other words, it is not that we can buy bhaki by studying the scriptures, or performing austerity or giving in charity or following the Vedic codes of religion….no, it is only possible if Krishna Himself grants it to us.
So if we have any realistic chance of getting bhakti then we have to seek the mercy of Guru and Krishna. The only way we can seek the mercy of Guru and Krishna is if we beg for mercy. The only way we will beg for mercy wholeheartedly is if we feel we are unqualified for if we think we are qualified then we will not beg for mercy wholeheartedly.
So the key to advance in Krishna Consciousness is to always feel unqualified and hence always have our hearts open eager to receive the mercy. By sincerely feeling unqualified for the highest benediction we attract the mercy of Guru and Krishna.
In this age of Kali, this rare mercy of love of God is being freely distributed by Lord Nityananda prabhu and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We can access this free mercy by sincerely feeling unqualified so we can open up our hearts eager to recieve this mercy. To feel unqualified, we need to sincerely pray to Krishna to remove the mountain of anarthas (impurities) such as lust, greed, anger, envy, pride and illusion from our hearts for we cannot do it on our own. H.H. Radhanath Swami mentioned in one of his lectures that removing our impurities is like an ant trying to move the Himalayan Mountains; it is very difficult because we are against the material energy (maya). So Maharaj said if we give up bad habits, take shelter of the Holy names, and constantly beg for Krishna’s mercy, then Lord Nityananda prabhu will deliver us to the Lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu thus granting us entrance into the eternal pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna in Sri Vrindhavan Dham.
Hare Krishna
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