Sunday, June 8, 2008

The enemy within

My mind is very stubborn and wandering. It is very difficult for me to constantly engage in one of the nine forms of devotional service. Krishna Consciousness is a constant struggle for me. In other words, I am fighting my own self, that’s right my mind and senses are my own enemies. When the enemy is within, then it disguises itself to help you and you trust your enemy only later to be deceived, left alone and cheated. It is frustrating…so our only hope is we somehow depend on Krishna’s mercy through Guru and Vaishnavas.

The more we associate with the instructions of Guru through Vani, then our stubborn mind will slowly deprogram itself and start to reprogram itself to the tune of the divine instructions of Guru ultimately awakening the sleeping soul. Therefore through the medium of sound, we can control our stubborn mind and awaken our soul and attain our pure original consciousness – that is Krishna Consciousness.

A prayer I like to meditate on,

Pratijna tava Govinda na me bhaktah pranasyati
Iti samsmrtya samsrtya pranan sandharyamy aham

O Govinda, Your promise is that your devotee will never perish. By remembering this over and over again, I am able to retain my life-airs.

Hare Krishna


  1. Hare Krsna Ananda,
    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Thank you for sharing and opening up in such a way to allow us aspiriting devotees to benefit from your insight and realization. Unseating the enemy within or the demon of the mind is one the greatest individual and collective challenges of this time. We make progress in this struggle by small victories: japa, association, darshan and other ways. I pray for the best and look forward to learning from you in the future.

    In your humble service,
    Hare Krsna

  2. Hare Krishna prabhu

    My dandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Hare Krishna

    aspiring servant
