Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Corporate religion

There are many so called religions in this world. Some of the major ones are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism accounting to approximately 70% (according to one site) of the world population. Most of the religions came about in different times according to time, place and people. Although, the definition and names of God differed according to time, place and people, we can agree (isolating all the variants) that religion is about practicing the eternal principles of love, tolerance and compassion to all living beings and submit to the Supreme God in humility…you can call Him Allah, Jehovah, Krishna etc etc. But in spite of these pure principles, today religion is considered a big NO in the public domain. Why so?

People consider you a fanatic or crazy fellow in pursuant of dogma or blind belief. Yet, some draw a middle ground by merging together as much as possible science and religion and live a so called “religious” yet “rational” life. In other words, it seems rational thinking and religious principles/practice does not go well together. It also seems that rational thinking and logic is consistent only with modern scientific enquiry and not religious principles. Why so?

If one would think deeper, there are many factors but one of the major factors that contribute to this “dogma” type attitude towards religion is because people who profess their respective religions are dogmatic. In other words, people in authoritative positions such as the priests or the pastor or the mullahs are dogmatic. Because of this dogmatic approach towards religion, today religion is just another industry, another corporate world. It has its CEO heads and clerks, it has its power structure and hierarchy, and it is vicious and selfish just as any corporate company.

The sole purpose is to gain money, power and prestige. It can be done only if it has the mass following. To get the masses to follow their religion and not other religions is to make their practice highly sectarian and give the followers a sense of pride and safety net (a place in heaven). It is like Coco Cola Company and Pepsi Cola Company fighting for people to buy their product. Today, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and other religions are fighting to buy their products – that is their God over the other Gods.

Religions are selling their Gods (company products) in fanciful and different ways to attract the minds of the people. It is no more about tolerance, compassion and love…it is all about satisfying the whims of the masses. So, when the so called torch bearers of “truth” behave in ways that is beyond rational thinking…religion obviously becomes a “belief” system…when God is portrayed as a “super hero” with no real tangible value in our daily lives…then religion obviously become a “belief” system.

Bottom line, the common man is too busy with his or her lives to worry about things such as God. But when religious authorities preach pure spiritual values of love and compassion, then for the common man it is no more a matter of ‘belief’ but a matter of spiritual values. But when the religious leaders are focused on money, power and prestige by selling their product (God and scripture) as better than other products by focusing on sectarianism…then religion is reduced to corporatism and all the politics that come with corporatism.

My fear is….if we do not do anything about it….ISKCON may be headed in that direction!

So it is our topmost duty to make sure we sincerely follow the pure principles of love, compassion, tolerance and humility towards all living beings thus making us eligible for prema bhakti towards Krishna. This will ensure the progressive movement of Srila Prabhupada’s divine mission – ISKCON.

Hare Krishna

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