Thursday, July 17, 2008


Since his arrival back in Los Angeles, Prabhupada has been stating his intention to go to London. Things are going well in England in spite of not yet establishing a center. Therefore, Prabhupada makes arrangements to fly to Germany, instead. Sivananda has managed to establish a base in Hamburg with the help of Krsna dasa, and Prabhupada wants to encourage the new center. He hopes the London devotees will be inspired by his presence in Europe to make arrangements for his stay in London.

When he finally announces his intention to leave for Germany, the Los Angeles temple begins to experience the pangs of separation even before his departure. Late one evening, Visnujana and Mohanananda decide to have a final private darshan with their spiritual master.

Mohanananda: Prabhupada's room was just off the temple room in La Cienega, and Visnujana and I sneaked back to see him one time. I was a new devotee and I was just following Visnujana. I would have followed him absolutely, anything he did. We could see light coming out of Prabhupada's room as if there were some kind of spotlight. We actually thought it was a spotlight. There was this effulgent light coming out through the cracks of the door. It was a long room with a long hallway. So we crept in. It looked as if someone was shooting a movie under a high halogen lamp. Prabhupada was sitting at the end of the hallway on his pillow. He looked absolutely effulgent. Brahmajyoti. The spiritual sky. It was pure, bright yellow light, like an aura, with Prabhupada at the center of it. Tears were just flying out of his eyes, across his desk, across the room. I was amazed. Tears literally flew out of his eyes. It was a remarkable thing to see his tears.

Visnujana turned to me and just said, "He's talking to Krsna." I was dumb struck. I thought this was an incredible experience, because it was one of the first rare visions of personalism that I had been given. We were absolutely awestruck. We just hit the floor and backed out. Prabhupada never acknowledged us.

Mohanananda is a very cheerful devotee and always has a big smile on his face. Now he is convinced that Prabhupada is the Messiah. He feels connected to the highest plane of consciousness on the planet. This encounter firmly settles it in his mind. Realizing they were somewhere they shouldn't have been, Visnujana suggests that they not make the experience public knowledge. But Mohanananda can't control his exuberance to share the vision of Prabhupada's trance with others.

- From the "Radha-Damodara Vilasa" by HG Vaiyasaki dasa

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