Sunday, September 28, 2008

Krishna is the ONE!

Think about it…my mother, father, wife and friends know me in varying levels. To the degree, a person knows me, to that degree I am closely related to that person. This is true for most people. The more we know some one, the more we are closely related to that someone. It can be my mother, or father or wife or my school friend. We are attached to our relationships simply because we are intimately connected with some one and share their joys and pains.

Why then…am I not, of all relationships, attracted to that Supreme Lord Krishna? Of all the relationships, people and friends, Krishna is the one who knows me more than I know myself. Krishna is the one who is with me in thick and thin. Krishna is the one who accompanies me when everyone abandones me (when I move from body to body). Krishna is the one who fulfills all my desires knowing very well all my likes and dislikes. Krishna is the one who intimately knows all my thoughts and shares all my experiences. Krishna is the one who knows me in and out more than my mother, father, wife and friends. Yet, why am I not attracted to that Supreme Lord Krishna? Why am I attracted to my mother, father, wife and friends more than I am attracted to Krishna? I see Krishna, at the best, as a distant relative (that’s it !!!). When will I see Him as the closest of all relationships, and as the one who eternally wishes the best for me?

I am, indeed, in illusion!

Hare Krishna

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