Sunday, November 23, 2008


One of the greatest problems faced by the big bang theorists is that although they are attempting to explain the "origin of the universe", the origin they propose is mathematically in describable. According to the standard big bang theories, the initial condition of the universe was a point of infinitesimal circumference and infinite density and temperature. An initial condition such as this is beyond mathematical description. Technically such a phenomeonon is called a "singularity".

Sir Bernard Lovell, professor of radio astronomy at the University of Manchester, wrote of singularities "In the approach to a physical description of the beginning of time, we reach a barrier at this point. The problem as to whether or not this really is a fundamental barrier to scientific description of the initial state the universe, and the associated conceptual difficulties in the consideration of a single entity at the beginning of time, are questions of outstanding importance in modern thought"

As of yet, the barrier has not been surmounted by even the greatest exponents of the big bang theory. Nobel Laureate Steve Weinberg laments, "unfortunately, I can not start the film at zero time and infinite temperature".

Quite literally the big bang theory is in trouble right from the very start. Stephen Hawking, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and G.F.R Ellis, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, in their authoritative book "The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time" point out, "It seems to be a good principle that the predictions of a singularity by a physical theory indicates that the theory has broken down". They add "The results we have obtained support the idea that the universe began a finite time ago. However, the actual point of creation, the singularity, is outside the scope of presently known laws of physics".

- Excerpted from the book Vedic Paradigm

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