Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Successful. meaningful and happy life

Tim Ferriss is a tech investor and advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter and other leading companies. Based on his interactions with more than 100 leading investors and life experts, he shared their collective inputs (about 80% to 90% of them)  regarding success, happiness and meaning. Few of the points below;

  • Everyone successful does some type of mindfulness or meditation for 10 to 20 minutes daily in the morning before they turn their phones on in the morning helping them set their mental and emotional states for the day.
  • Another point is journaling - to write down a question or answer that arouse within you (the subconscious you) during the day (a type of deep introspection)
  • Another point is to try something new (new behavior) but only for a finite amount of time like two-to-four weeks. Brief changes in behavior reduces the pressure of fear of change.
  • Successful people choose projects to cultivate skills and relationships even if a project fails and not for the attachment of the outcome or result. 
Let me rephrase the above points from a Bhagavad Gita perspective
  • Shravanam and Kirtanam/Japa - hearing and chanting spiritual topics is a type mindfulness and meditation at its best as it is about Krishna. Srila Prabhupada gave us this method right from mangala arati (early morning).
  • Introspection is a standard process for spiritual seekers. It is a type of learning of the self (swadhyaya). With the aid of scriptures, when we introspect our own motives, we transform. 
  • In Bhagavad Gita, the core value presented is to change our behavior from material to spiritual. In other words living a life of false ego to less of an ego to no false ego. Therefore, seeking change in behavior is the central principle and not just time based value.
  • The fourth point by Time Ferris referenced above is simply karma yoga. Krishna stresses this point many times over in the Bhagavad Gita that we should work not for the results of our action but for a higher cause - dedicating our work/results to Krishna.
Based on his interactions with leading life experts and investors who deal with high-stakes game, Time Ferris invariably points us towards spiritual values to have a successful, meaningful and happy life. Bhagavad Gita teaches us the highest values in spiritual topics. 

Therefore, if we simply follow the program given by Srila Prabhupada as given in the Bhagavad Gita, we can also live a successful, meaningful and happy life.

Hare Krishna

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