Monday, May 21, 2018

Being negative doesn't help anyone

A snake penetrated into a carpentry workshop.  As it slipped, it passed over a saw and got slightly wounded. Suddenly, it turned and bit the saw, and biting the saw, the snake seriously got wounded in its mouth!

Then not understanding what was happening and thinking that the saw was attacking "him," it decided to roll around the saw to suffocate it with all its body by squeezing it with all its strength, but it ended up being killed by the saw!

Similarly our snake-like mind where has a tendency to find-fault with others and hurt them. But actually, like the snake we get hurt. Sometimes it is better to ignore situations, ignore people, ignore their behavior, and their words. Sometimes it is better not to react so as not to suffer consequences that can sometimes be deadly or harmful.

The food we eat, has to be digested and then thrown out of body in 24 hours, else we will fall ill.

The water we drink, gets in our body and is thrown out in 4 hours, else we will fall ill.

The air we breathe, has to be thrown out in 1 minute, else we will die.

Negative emotions like hatred, anger, jealousy, insecurity, we hold in our body for days, months and years. If these negative emotions are not thrown out regularly it comes out as psycho-somatic diseases.

The best way to remove these negative emotions is to chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra regularly.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare|
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare||

Hare Krishna

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