Thursday, May 10, 2018

Enthusiasm for Krishna

When somethings give pleasure to our mind and senses we become excited or in other words enthusiastic about that something. For example, if a particular food tastes (tongue) good in a particular restaurant then we are enthusiastic to go to the restaurant. If by watching (eyes) a movie, i am happy, then that excites me. So like this in this world, things that excite us is that which gives pleasure to the mind and senses. However, enthusiasm to know, hear and serve Krishna cannot be defined in the same manner.

Enthusiasm for Krishna may not always be pleasurable to the mind and senses. So we cannot use the same mindset towards enthusiasm when it comes to Krishna. When Srila Rupa Goswami talks about utsahan (enthusiasm) as a key ingredient to progress in Krishna Consciousness, we cannot use our worldly enthusiasm as a compass to assess our progress because the worldly enthusiasm is sensual.

Enthusiasm in Krishna is different in that it is based on our long-term well-being (shreyas) especially when we are in the beginning stages of bhakti. We become excited in Krishna or enthusiastic to serve Krishna thinking this will help me transcend the miseries of this world and so we act like it is an investment. This may sound mercantile in the beginning but such attitude is helpful to live a pious and humble life. Such piety and humility then will till the field of our heart favorably so the seed of bhakti grows. Then as the seed becomes a plant, enthusiasm to serve Krishna becomes a matter of increasing our loving exchanges with Krishna. .

So yes the definition of enthusiasm on the worldly platform and Krishna are not the same and spiritual enthusiasm begins for ensuring our long-term well-being and when we cross that stage enthusiasm from our heart will be to increase our love for Krishna.

Hare Krishna.

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