Monday, May 14, 2018

Instant connections

“In physics class I learned how sound waves propagate into our ear. It was mind-blowing. Those waves create emotions that make us happy, that get us pumped up”

This is a quote from a student from a polytechnic college in the US doing research on helping endangered species using sound. His comment about sound creating emotions may sound correct to the untrained ear but actually sound in itself does not create emotions. If that were so, a dead body also has ears and if you play music to a dead man, he will not express any emotions. So why is that sound only creates emotions in a living person?

The soul seated inside the body is the actual sentient receiver of the sound (not the ear). The soul gives life to the body. This soul influenced heavily by the modes of nature (there are three - goodness, passion, ignorance) uses the mind and body to satisfy its desires. Because of the soul's willingness to be influenced by material nature, the soul desires things connected to this world otherwise typically the soul's desires' are non-material.

The sound enters the ears and the signals are processed by the brain. The influenced soul activates the device called mind which is like the software. The mind reacts to the sound either favorably or unfavorably and sends the signals back to the hardware - the brain. The soul is the user (beneficiary) of the software and hardware.

The brain, influenced by the mind, releases chemicals according to the signals from the mind resulting in a positive or negative sensual feeling. Finally, these feelings are expressed as emotions through the face and or other gestures. All of this happens instantly as if there is no gap in time between the time you hear the music to the time you emote.

All of this mechanistic process is even possible because the Supersoul (Krishna) activates the tiny soul (just as the soul activates the body) to interact with material nature (three modes) , mind and body. As a result, the soul can continue its illusion of enjoyment in this world perpetually in different bodies!

The three modes, mind and and body is provided by Krishna to the soul and the soul is an amsa or a tiny separated expansion of Krishna. The soul is so tiny that on its own the soul cannot do anything so the Supersoul has to assist the soul to enjoy. What type of mind and body the soul gets and its interaction with the modes depends on the karma of the soul. Like this, Krishna forever in time continuously churns out different bodies and scenarios for the soul to enjoy!

Nothing is accidental or whimsical. Krishna is so perfect and precise that this material nature is a seamless process. Pretty deep if you ask me!

Hare Krishna

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