Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Speculative knowledge does not give peace of mind

I am not a big fan of modern astronomy because there are many views to the origin of the universe which tells me there is no definitive one. As recent as last year, before his demise, Stephen hawking and his colleague presented an alternative explanation to the origin of the universe than the popular big-bang. In it, the duo claim that eternal inflation as a theory of the big bang is not acceptable. Once the bang happened, the universe inflated at an exponential rate and that this inflation is forever happening in some regions of the universe. In other words, this phenomenon of inflation is eternal. Now, Hawking and his friend think otherwise thus nullifying the effects of big-bang theory or in other words questioning its very occurrence?

This sort of theories and opposing theories are considered advanced science and is considered evolved mature discussion. That may be, but one thing I fail to understand is how come they do not agree that they were wrong in the past that it required for them to change their position. If existing theories evolve or completely change means scientists' cannot claim monopoly over knowledge. Certainly, there is a need to look elsewhere.

Coming back to theoretical physics, one of the key factors for such variations or multitude of explanations of the universe is because the basic assumptions physicists hold to me is not scientific. I have mentioned this in another post but the basic idea is that the universe is homogeneous and looks same in all directions. These two principles when tested from earth will always give similar results although these are unverifiable truths. Here, therefore, we depart from empiricism to faith. Modern astronomy will fall on its head if these two principles are open for debate. Hence a student who enters the school of astronomy has to accept these two principles as undeniable truths (based on faith!). 

I will not be surprised, therefore, that sometime in the future we may go back to a geocentric model or we may say we never landed on the moon but another planet etc. Such speculative knowledge may please the mind but will never alleviate one from misery. The symptom of real knowledge including astrophysics, when properly heard from the correct superior source, will alleviate the listener from misery and lead him or her to peace and happiness. This is the test of real knowledge.

In Srimad Bhagavatam, we have astronomy and description of the universe. It is not speculative but definitive. Considering that Maharaj Parikshit is about to die, still Srila Sukadev Goswami was compelled to speak it means that the knowledge of the universe also provides relief from the pangs of materialism (birth and death) as creation is tied to Krishna who is praised by excellent verses - Uttamasloka!

Hare Krishna

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