Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A true social reformer will speak the truth

Social reformers, politicians and welfare workers etc talk about eradicating social ills but they do so comparing to the woes of today. But we have never reached that absolute utopian state, why? Because we live in a world of duality. This is an axiomatic truth -  a self-evident one. But we do not accept it and we cannot accept it because if we accept a world with duality, then we have to accept always there will be good and there will be bad. There will be richness but also there will be poverty. There will be security but also there will be crime. As a politician or any social reformer, this sort of 50-50 condition is unacceptable and hence for all their life, they struggle in the name of upliftment and service to man to change human condition.

As long as man exists and time exists, we will have two sides to a coin since this is a relative world we live in. This desire for an absolute good world, however, is an indication of something deeper. Therefore, a true social reformer will speak the truth. He will point to man the futility of a relative world and that true absolute freedom from social ills is possible only in an absolute setting and not in a relative setting and that absolute setting is the Spiritual world or Vaikunta!

Hare Krishna

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