Friday, November 30, 2018

Story of stuff

We should be a good steward of the resources of this world. Srila Prabhupada was adamant in not wasting anything as he saw everything as Krishna's energy. This video can inspire us to reduce waste and live a more natural life.

Hare Krishna

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Srila Prabhupada and Narada Muni

Story 1 
One night an extraordinary thing happened. Prabhupada led the first kirtan and then gave a lecture. I sat on the floor just to his right with the harmonium, and after the lecture, I began leading the second Hare Krishna kirtan. All of a sudden, Srila Prabhupada’s voice cut through the auditorium with the potency of Lord Nrisimha, right in the middle of my chanting. I had never heard Prabhupada do that, nor had I heard the words he chanted. ‘Narada Muni bhajaya vina radhika ramana namne,’ he sang. And then again he repeated it. I looked up, and he looked down at me, signaling me to carry on. So I continued chanting Hare Krishna, and he continued singing his prayer to Narada Muni into his microphone. I closed my eyes and carried on, not knowing what was happening. Then he started leading with me. We could all understand that something inexplicable but amazing was happening. Everyone was literally jumping off the ground, leaping in the air; even little baby Saraswati was two feet off the ground, and the audience was leaping into the air. We jumped off the stage and all of us began running around the perimeter of the auditorium with the audience. It was one of those Krishna magic moments. Just amazing! The next morning I asked what had happened the previous night. “Didn’t you see?” Srila Prabhupada said. “Narada Muni came to our kirtan.” “No, I didn’t see him,” I answered. “Yes, Narada Muni came.” - Yamuna devi dasi – London 1969

Story 2 
During an ecstatic kirtan in Los Angeles temple Srila Prabhupada was laughing. Afterwards a devotee asked why he had been laughing and Prabhupada said, “I was laughing to see Narada Muni.” The devotee said, “Narada Muni?” “Yes, Narada Muni was there.” What was Narada Muni doing?” Prabhupada said, “He was laughing.” The devotee said, “Why was he laughing?” “He was laughing when he saw the mlecchas and chandalas dancing and chanting Hare Krishna.” - Dinadayadri devi dasi

Story 3 
In the Berkeley temple in Prabhupada’s room where he was staying, some reporters came and some important folks and they were asking questions. That was the period of time where the interviewer asked Prabhupada, “What will happen when you leave? When you leave, what will happen to this movement?” And that’s at the time where Prabhupada said that “My books will never die, they will live on for ten thousand years.” But also during that darshan, it was exquisite because there was this practical interchange of how interviews go and all of a sudden Prabhupada looked up over everyone’s head into the corner, the exact corner of the room, and he said, “There’s Narada Muni.” So Prabhupada saw Narada Muni during that time in that room. - Dhanishta devi dasi

Story 4 
In London, at Bury Place, Prabhupada told devotees to put a small asana on the altar for Narada Muni because he was attending the kirtanas.

Story 5 
In America Prabhupada held a sparsely attended program but said that sage Narada was present.

Narada Muni also foretold extraordinary worldwide preaching. In the Padma Purana, Bhagavata Mahatmyam (2.5-7), he says: “O Bhakti Devi, there is no age like Kali because you will be established in every house and in every heart. Hear my vow. If I do not preach your message, subdue all other religions and make devotional festivals predominant, then I shall not be considered the servant of Lord Hari. In Kali-yuga those people who follow you, even if they are sinful, will attain Lord Krishna’s abode without fear."

Unlike anyone else Srila Prabhupada fulfilled Narada Muni’s prediction by following Lord Caitanya’s instruction: prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama, sarvatra pracara haibe more nama: In every town and village of the world. My name will be heard. {Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya 4.126) 

Srila Prabhupada lives forever in his books and worships Lord Caitanya by teaching everyone to always chant “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.”

Hare Krishna

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Guru Nishta

Guru nishta is a principle that is important for one to advance in Krishna consciousness. Without the blessings of the spiritual master, progress towards Krishna is practically nill. In the Hari Bhakti Vilas (not sure where) i think there is some language on how to select a spiritual master. I believe there is some room for sentiment when it comes to getting diksha from a specific guru. However, sentiment goes only so far. If we truly want to serve guru, then we must serve per principle and not sentiment. Because in daily life, there will be struggles internal and external. There will be doubts and temptations on the position of guru thrown at us by media, people, family and material opulence. If we simply serve based on sentiment, such service can be volatile (up and down).

We should not trust our mind because as the mind vacillates so does our  emotions and sentiments. Therefore, our service, convictions, and emotions should be rooted in principle that stems from the pages of Bhagavatam or Bhagavad Gita. Our vision of the spiritual master and his instructions should be seen through shastra and not our sentiments. When we strictly approach the person Bhagavad through the shastra Bhagavad, no amount of external forces can shake our faith in guru. Sentimental faith on guru is like house on sand, will crumble eventually!

Hare Krishna

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How to control the mind?

Krishna after the war and before His departure from this mortal world instructs Uddhava in what is famously called now as Uddhava Gita. One can read this conversation in the pages of the Bhagavata Purana. Right in the beginning, Krishna says something important which i thought requires serious contemplation.

Krishna says that the world we perceive through our mind, eyes, ears etc is simply an imagination. He says this because the value and meaning we apply to the things of this world as good (guna) or evil (dosha) is derived from our subjective mind. The mind and senses are temporary and subject to change and hence our values and meanings we apply to things also change. In that sense, the same things and people we know, we may like one day and may not like another day or vice versa. In that sense, our values of good or bad is all in the mind.

From here, Krishna says the concept of mind control arises. He says to Uddhava, because everything is changing and our perception is changing with it, Krishna says withdraw the mind and focus within the self and see the self as part of the Super-self which is Krishna. In other words, mind control means to withdraw the mind from the outside people/world (as it is all subjective anyways) and focus ultimately on Krishna.

Basically, mind control is a two step process (1) withdraw from the outside world (2) focus or meditate on Krishna. When we constantly practice withdrawal and meditation on Krishna, in time we will be able to perceive our true self (separate from body and mind) and thus attain peace and happiness. This sounds too theoretical but never hurts to try it out.


Hare Krishna

Sunday, November 18, 2018

struggle for existence

Our existence is filled with struggles. It is because nature is designed in such a way that we are dependent on other beings for sustenance. Dependence requires cooperation and where there is no cooperation, there will be struggle. Struggle to align body and mind with health and well-being. Struggle to work as a community and prosper economically and socially. Struggle to ensure I am happy and everyone is happy in this world. As hard as we may try, unfortunately, mankind has never made everyone happy at all times. Therefore, we can say struggle for existence is a constant in this world.

As practitioners of bhakti, struggle takes a different meaning. It is not so much meant to conquer nature, and people and man-made systems to make ends meet but rather a struggle to tolerate the ever changing mind and try to fix the mind unto the Lotus Feet of Krishna. While it is necessary to do the needful in terms of satisfying the demands of the mind and body, however, it is more necessary to practice indifference to the movements of the mind and practice taking shelter of Krishna. This practice of seeking shelter will help us tame the turbulent mind and the more we humble our self to Krishna, the easier it will be to tame the mind or in other words be indifferent to the mind.

Struggling to take shelter of Krishna is the permanent solution that puts a full-stop to all struggles for material existence!

Hare Krishna