Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How to control the mind?

Krishna after the war and before His departure from this mortal world instructs Uddhava in what is famously called now as Uddhava Gita. One can read this conversation in the pages of the Bhagavata Purana. Right in the beginning, Krishna says something important which i thought requires serious contemplation.

Krishna says that the world we perceive through our mind, eyes, ears etc is simply an imagination. He says this because the value and meaning we apply to the things of this world as good (guna) or evil (dosha) is derived from our subjective mind. The mind and senses are temporary and subject to change and hence our values and meanings we apply to things also change. In that sense, the same things and people we know, we may like one day and may not like another day or vice versa. In that sense, our values of good or bad is all in the mind.

From here, Krishna says the concept of mind control arises. He says to Uddhava, because everything is changing and our perception is changing with it, Krishna says withdraw the mind and focus within the self and see the self as part of the Super-self which is Krishna. In other words, mind control means to withdraw the mind from the outside people/world (as it is all subjective anyways) and focus ultimately on Krishna.

Basically, mind control is a two step process (1) withdraw from the outside world (2) focus or meditate on Krishna. When we constantly practice withdrawal and meditation on Krishna, in time we will be able to perceive our true self (separate from body and mind) and thus attain peace and happiness. This sounds too theoretical but never hurts to try it out.


Hare Krishna

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