Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Framework for ascertaining non-sectarian dharma

Steps to understand that the process of Bhagavad dharma is non-sectarian.

For example, let us say I am sick. Below are the steps I would take;

  1. I have fever, headache and body-ache
  2. I will go to the doctor 
  3. Take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor
  4. No fever, headache or body-ache (healthy)
The above is a real world example every one of us have experienced. It is the same for a muslim, christian, hindu or atheist. 

The above steps can be categorized as follows;
  1. Problem
  2. Method or process
  3. Solution
  4. Problem solved
Using this four-step framework, we can apply this to Bhagavad dharma;
  1. Problem - Human's false identification with the body and mind (experiences duality/birth&death or samsara)
  2. Method/process - logical deduction, instructions of the sages, and vedic literature
  3. Solution - Surrender to Lord Sri Krishna who is seated within the heart
  4. Problem solved - No false identification with body and mind, hence does not experience duality/birth&death or samsara.
Now, people in general (majority) do not even accept they have the problem of mis-identification. However, we simply have to be sober and introspect our own self to ascertain that it is a problem. There is ample evidence from scientists also suggesting the same (if we have the will to research, we will find evidence). Through some personal effort, certainly we can ascertain the problem. 

The method or process requires faith. This faith is not blind. When we see self-realized sages who are not attached to their body and mind, we want that. We want a state where we are not attached to enjoyment or renunciation (duality) like the sages. We can gather that evidence by simply studying the sages. If a sage is not interested in the duality of  enjoyment or renunciation, then we can conclude he or she is not attached to the body and mind. We approach them like we go to the doctor and inquire from them as to how they reached that stage. According to great sages like Ramanuja and Madhwa, we learn that by taking shelter of Krishna and surrendering unto Him we will also reach that state of existence non-duality (advaitam).

We practice with due diligence and realize the truth for our self.

Anyone regardless of their political, economical, and religious biases, if they take to this process, they will realize the truth and this is the essence of non-sectarianism. Anybody regardless of background will get the same results. 

Hare Krishna

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