Monday, December 17, 2018

God of Abrahamic faith?

In the Bible (old and new testament) and Koran, we find that God volunteers to talk to man. The stories begin with God talking to Abraham in the old testament and an angel talking on behalf of God to Mohammed in the Koran. There are similar stories connected to Moses as well. In all of this, God takes the first step or at least that is the impression we get reading the Abrahamic scriptures.

In the Srimad Bhagavata purana, we find the opposite. For God to appear, the great devotees of the Lord undergo severe austerities. Devotees like Dhruva, Kardama muni, Prahlada,Prshni & Sutapa etc undergo tapasya (austerity) to see Krishna face to face. We all know the caliber and quality of such exalted souls. They were in full control of their body and mind, were peaceful and completely focused in the service of the Lord for many many years.

If it takes such austere practices and conditions to see the Lord, then how come Abraham or Moses or Mohammed had contact with the Lord without tapasya? We do not have information that they practiced severe austerities. In fact we learn that they were just regular householders. Krishna Himself proclaims in the Gita (BG 7.3) that even amongst perfected beings, rarely one can know Him. Certainly, I do not think Abarham or Moses or Mohammed were perfected beings at the time they were contacted by God.

Considering all of these points, it is difficult to comprehend for me that Krishna is the God mentioned in the Abrahamic faith that He would have contacted the patriarchs of the Abrahamic faith. So if the God of the Abrahamic faith is not Krishna, then perhaps it may be some demigod giving instructions to elevate the consciousness of the people outside Bharata khanda?

Hare Krishna

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